The Baby Tooth is an all-purpose tone improvement tool.
Your new Baby Tooth will provide a wide range of tones depending on how you have the pedal setup.
You will find tones from smooth to grit.
Your Baby Tooth will happily respond to picking attack, roll back the volume and it will clean up. Your Baby Tooth responds how you feel, it will make you feel better. Spend some time experimenting with different settings to see what works best for you.
To get started; turn Mom, Dad, Y full up, and X at noon. From this start point, back things off to find a sweet spot for your setup and taste. It’s also fine to leave it on full blast.
Mom – is volume
Dad – is gain
X – Adjusts signal texture
Clockwise for smoother and counterclockwise for more grit
(Some settings may not yield any sound, be careful)
Y – Adjusts how hard your signal drives the pedal
Full clockwise gives full gain on the pedal
Full counter counterclockwise is zero input.
The Baby Tooth will run on most “Boss” style 9V power supplies, Negative Center pin.