Super Duper Wah Upgrade Kit
Whipple Kit Instructions are on DANDY JOB
True Bypass Switch, mods! Fits: Vox, Crybaby, Maestro, Fulltone, Teese, GCB-95, Thomas Organ, Dunlop, Snarling Dog Wah Wah, Voodoo Labs, Budda, Boss, Colorsound, Etc, Etc…
- Premium Hand Built Whipple Inductor (made be me!)
- Top Notch ICAR Taper 100K Potentiometer (I use this in all my Wahs)
- True Bypass Switch 3PDT (Industry Standard, supports LED)
If your pedal uses SMR’s (surface mounted resistors) you might not be able to use the resistors, unless you are an ace solderer.
These models include the newer Vox V847A, Joe Satriani Big Bad Wah, and possibly others, if in doubt, please email me.
This is the next evolution of my Whipple Inductor making. These are the parts that I use when I mod out Wah pedals. They come out great! I am now offering everything here as a complete kit to mod any Vox, Crybaby, or most wah pedals.
You can literally take any old was and turn it into a tone machine with these selected components. And now you don’t have to pull your hair out hunting everything down.
Feel Free to contact me if you have any other questions.
It is my goal to bring the best to the DIY community with my personal experiences, and desire to find tones that I like. I hope it does you good.
Please Reference my eBay feedback and Whipple eBay listing for customer reviews.
Also, instructions are available on my web site
Whipple Kit Instructions are on
Here are Customer Comments:
Hi Michael – I got the shipment and had installed inductor and the ICAR. It was really great with just the inductor and ICAR, really sweet sounding, no harshness and so quiet. Great work you done there. Then I installed the vocal resistor(68K), holy crap, what a difference. Then I did the Bass resistor, it just kept getting better and better, thought it was hard to beat, then I did the vocal resister again, this time to the 100K. I have to tell you, this Vox I have is THE BEST WAH I have ever played. I thought my Teese Wahs could not be repaced, well, they’ve been replaced with this old VOX I’ve upgraded with your Wah Kit. So quiet, to sweet, so smooth, the lows, mids, high end, it howls, growls, whistles and purrs. Clean and dirty through a Les Paul or a Strat, there’s no weak spots at all. This is the best.
BTW, You are indeed a GOD! In the search for tone there are always a few people who devote untold amounts of time in the pursuit.
Most guard their secrets like fort knox. For you to share this with the public is indeed a worthy service. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to have a wah that sounds like this.
It is not the same wah at all. True bypass and all the rest is just icing on the whipple cake. You are the chosen one! (Clouds parting and beam of light shining down upon you!)– shredder0_0
Just wanted to let you know that I got your mod kit and it is AWESOME. Thanks again, great product. I am work and can’t wait to get home and stomp on that bad boy. I put the whipple, the ICAR pot, the Q mod, and Mid mod, I also did a bass/gain mod..this thing screams.
I’ll be getting more soon,Thanks,
– Rene, NJ
The little beast is magic…
I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the Whipple upgrade kit I bought from you a few weeks ago. I spent $20 on a used Dunlop Crybaby and $45 on your upgrade kit. I now have a wah that, to my ears, sounds at least as good as 1 of the $300 Teese wah’s. The Whipple inductor made a big difference in the sound.
Thanks again for a great product.
Thanks very much Michael.
Kit arrived, I installed the inductor, true bypass mod and the Pot, and my old Crybaby is back to life and better than ever.
I then did the Input and Vocal resistor mods and I like the tone produced from that, so I will probably stop there.
All in all, I am so glad that I located your kit on ebay, because I had been debating buying the Hot Potz2 Potentiometer – which is hideously overpriced – to repair my old pedal. Now I have repaired and fully upgraded the pedal for about £5 more than the Hot Potz alone would have cost me, and I got to set up the tone for myself. I also learned a whole lot more about my pedal and Wahs in general from your excellent guidelines and email help.
I can’t recommend this kit enough!!! totally first class.
All the best
R. Sault
Thanks heaps for the Whipple and the resistor mods, true bypass. My crappy sounding Vox 847 sounds like the magic it was meant to sound like.
Its unreal, I want to wah all night and day long now.
Dear indoblitydo,
Got your mod kit, fixed it up! It’s amazing! It’s on par with boutique wah pedals!
The cleans and groovy and you get enough sweep, kick in the gain and it sounds like an album standard wah! amazing! Good job buddy!Dino (Singapore)
HOWDY!! I just installed the Whipple and played and played and played…The most fun I had with my pants on!!!! Thank You for the tone
Upgrade for my Vox!!!!! Nothing is allowed past my tone patrol unless it enhances organic clarity… Well Done!
Nate Dogg- Guitarist for Plexxusrock
I also make Full Whipple Wah pedals, that feature the Whipple Inductor. Send me an email and ask about them. They are currently being used by the following cool and famous guitar players:
Charlie Hunter
Eric Krasno
Jaleel Bunton
Note on handling time:
I try and get orders out as fast as possible. I go to the post office two and sometimes three times a week. I almost always ship on Monday.
!!!!!!!!! PLEASE READ THIS !!!!!!!!!!!
Shipping Fees are not refunded.
If there is any problem with your order please get in touch with me and I will work towards finding a solution for you.